Applied Forest Tree Improvement

Product Description
By Bruce Zobel and John Talbert
Originally published in 1984 and written by renowned authorities in the field, this detailed guide shows how to effectively organize, implement, and manage large scale tree-improvement programs. It describes the genetic and silvicultural principles and practical procedures that apply to beginning, established and advanced-generation tree improvement programs.
Dr. Zobel is a renowned forester. He has received many awards and honors for his leadership role in advancing forest tree improvement. He arrived at North Carolina State University to lead the new Cooperative Tree Improvement Program in 1956 and retired from the program in 1979. More than two decades later, he keeps regular office hours on campus. Students from across the globe have traveled to study in the forestry department under Dr. Zobel.
Dr. Zobel is a North Carolina State University distinguished Professor of Forestry and has published hundreds of articles pertaining to tree improvement and tropical forestry.
After retiring as director of the cooperative, Dr. Zobel founded Zobel Forestry Associates, an international forestry consulting firm.
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