The Art of Scientific Investigation

Product Description
by William I.B. Beveridge
In The Art of Scientific Investigation, originally published in 1950, W.I.B. Beveridge explores the development of the intuitive side in scientists. The author's object is to show how the minds of humans can best be harnessed to the processes of scientific discovery. This book therefore centers on the “human factor”; the individual scientist.
The book reveals the basic principles and mental techniques that are common to most types of investigation. Professor Beveridge discusses great discoveries and quotes the experiences of numerous scientists.
“The virtue of Mr. Breveridge’s book is that it is not dogmatic. A free and universal mind looks at scientific investigation as a creative art. This well written book deserves a wide audience. Manu of the author’s statements deserve to be quoted in every treatise on the psychology and practice of research.” The New York Times
“It is altogether gratifying when a scientific reasearcher undertakes to raise the mysterious certain of scienc... exposing his research activities and those of his fellow-scientists. The book is well worth reading.” The Scientific Monthly
“The author has a knack of putting into words what most experimenters sooner or later come to realize in a dim way, and it is extraordinarily interesting to see so much of the lore of research set down in print…The research worker - of whatever vintage - cannot do better than read this book, and, having read it, read it again.” A. S. Parkes, F.R.S., in Nature
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