Fractals in Geography

Product Description
By Nina Siu-Ngan Lam and Lee De Cola
Originally published in 1993
For professionals and graduate and advanced undergraduate students in geography, this book explains the basics of fractals, how to describe fractal phenomena, and how to make fractal patterns in the study and practice of physical and human geography, and the mapping sciences. Among the topics covered are interpreting the fractal dimension of river networks, fractal geometry and urban morphology and fractal terrain simulation.
Books on fractals are usually heavily mathematical and often difficult to understand. Fractals in Geography is simple, clear, and straightforward enough for any social
scientist and most students to understand. Like the style, the content, too, is basic enough for everyone and the examples are well chosen to be of broad interest (e.g., central place
theory, city sizes).
The book should appeal not only to geographers but also many other kinds of social scientists, including anthropologists, archaeologists, sociologists, and even economists and political scientists, all of whom also study issues like central place theory and settlement patterns. There is also a great deal of unsatisfied interest in all forms
of nonlinear social science. Thus, the potential appeal of this book is wide.
"In summary, this book is generally well written and well illustrated, and the inclusion of programs to evaluate fractal statistics is particularly valuable. This book can be recommended to anyone interested in the applications of fractal analysis in geography." American Scientist
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