A Natural History of Raccoons

Product Description
By Dorcas MacClintock
Illustrated by J. Sharkey Thomas
Originally published in 1981, A Natural History of Raccoons is a thorough study of the characteristics and habits of one of the most fascinating creatures among our country’s wildlife. Topics covered include: behavioral characteristics (curiosity, raccoons in motion, winter denning); feeding habits, controlling their numbers (disease, parasites and predators); mating, and cubs; and habitat requirements.
The book includes a chapter on caring for raccoons, which will be especially helpful for those who – like the author – have been called upon to nurture orphaned raccoon cubs.
Raccoons are ecologic opportunists of the first order, living in forest, marsh and coastal environments, and forever exploring new habitats in suburb and city. Many people who have only occasionally glimpsed these predominantly nocturnal creatures will welcome this opportunity to become more familiar with them.
"Delightful, painstakingly researched work that introduces the reader to just about every aspect of the structure, habits and life history of the raccoon. Packed with information. While the treatment is thoroughly scientific, the brisk writing style makes for easy, enjoyable reading. Illustrated with many truly exquisite sketches. A fine book." The Conservationist
"MacClintock supplies here just about everything you could think to ask about raccoons. Thoroughly informative and smoothly integrated." Kirkus Reviews
"A sprightly and detailed study of the appealing animal. The many drawings here are striking." Booklist
"Informative and charmingly illustrated." Country Journal
Dorcas MacClintock is a mammalogist who is currently a Research Associate at the California Academy of Sciences and a Curatorial Affiliate at Yale Peabody Museum. She is on familiar terms with raccoons, having reared a number of orphaned cubs.
J. Sharkey Thomas’s sensitive interpretations of wildlife are familiar to animal lovers throughout North America. Two solo exhibitions of her art in New York City have established a widening circle of collectors.
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