Red Flower : Rethinking Menstruation

Product Description
By Dena Taylor
An integral part of every woman's life, menstruation has typically been characterized as a curse. Red Flower debunks the myths and prejudices surrounding this natural process through carefully documented research, cross-cultural perspectives, and much more.
"At last there is this book! I didn't have it. I didn't have it for my daughters. But now there is a book I can give to my granddaughters. Rich with insight, information, affirmation, poetry--what a help, what a freeing, what a delight this book is!" Tillie Olsen
"Red Flower comes out of woman's experience...Taylor translates pre-Second Wave research into feminist sense." Feminist Collections
"The author's intent is to dispel the notion that menstruation should be kept hidden and is somehow shameful. She exhorts the reader to be aware of its powerful effect on all women." Journal of Nurse-Midwifery
"…. A useful gift for young girls as well as a thoughtful work full of information for older women." Jeannine Parvati
"This book will become a classic." The Doula
"…. Informed commentary on the mythic, superstitious and scientific aspects of women’s menstrual life. Who, then, should read Red Flower? Any female ranging from pre-menarche to post-menopausal ages. And any father, husband, brother or son. It should be required reading for both females and males in the public schools." Chiron Review
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